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The Key To Losing Weight Fast And Keeping It Off

People ask me every day for tips on how to lose weight fast so today our article is going to focus on three simple yet effective tips which are guaranteed to get you results both in and out of the gym.

We see too many people sucked into flavor of the month celebrity diets every month, struggling along with a diet which resembles a self-punishment regime and getting no results.

The three points we share today are facts. When you begin applying them to your current regime you will see a significant improvement no matter what level of exercise you are doing. Combine these with a solid workout plan and your results will be even faster. Time to get started.

Step One: The Benefits Of A Calorie Deficit.

A calorie deficit sounds more complicated than it actually is. For the next five days record everything you eat in a little food journal and write down your average daily calorie total. In order to get fat loss results you simply need to operate at a lower level of calories per day.

The key, however, is in gradually reducing the calorie target each day rather than suddenly jumping head first. Doing this will avoid starvation mode, where your body clings to food as much as it can because it thinks you are starving it. This is why some people seemingly eat nothing and still cannot lose any size.

Cut your calories by no more than 15% per week until you have reached your target number of calories per day, and never go below 1000 a day in total.

The Second Rule: Up Your Protein.

These days it is a popular choice to cut down carbohydrates when trying to lose weight but there is one thing you must do otherwise it defeats the whole objective. Eat more protein. If you chop your carbohydrate intake down your body loses it's primary energy source during exercise. It's left with a choice between using fat or muscle for fuel and 90% of the time it's choosing the muscle and you're losing weight but not fat. Increase your protein intake whenever you cut down carbohydrates.

Step Three: Snack On Protein.

Ask anybody what their biggest weakness is when it comes to diets and they will tell you it's snacking on sugary, simple carbohydrate foods and junk food such as crisps and chocolate. A little known fact is that from the three macro nutrients protein, carbohydrates and fat, protein actually has the least effect on your body's fat storage cells.

Whether it's a protein shake, chicken, turkey or anything else, the fact remains is will help your fat loss goal exceptionally.

Implement these three simple steps into your eating routine right now and you will see improved fat loss results. If you are looking for ways to discover how to lose weight fast you just found three of the most proven rules out there.

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